Monday, February 2, 2009

Random facts

Drew did this on Carol's blog so lets see what I can come up with.
1. Favorite color is the color of the evening sky.
2. I love animals & once thought of becoming a vet. .
3. I love my job.
4. I love my husband.
5. I think the world would be a better place if everyone got a massage every other week.
6. I love to cook.
7. I like to watch Hanna Montana once in awhile.
8. The songs Amen & Amazing Grace bring me to tears every time.
9. I love to swim even though I can not swim.
10. I hate house work.
11. I don't know why people have to always be in such a hurry.
12. I think about & miss Mikey & Burt everyday.

1 comment:

Carol said...

These are great. My list is on facebook, just didn't want Andrew on there quite yet. :)

Headed to Riley Thursday, think you and Dad can meet in in Avon or Plainfield?